Daffodil International University
Department of English
Symposium on Teaching of English Pronunciation in Bangladesh: Issues and Practices
14January 2016

Program Schedule

Activity Time Specification Venue
On-spot registration 8:00-9:00 AM   Level-4 lobby
Inaugural ceremony  9:00-10:00 AM Welcome address:Dr. Binoy Barman, Symposium Convener
Guest of Honor:Prof. Moshiuzzaman, Member (Curriculum), NCTB
Special Guest:Professor A.M.M. Hamidur Rahman, Dean, FHSS, DIU
Chief Guest:Professor Dr. Md. Harun-Ur-Rashid Askari, Vice Chancellor, Islamic University, Kushtia
Chair:Professor Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University
Vote of thanks: Head, Department of English, Daffodil International University
@ Auditorium
Keynote speech 10:00-10:30 AM English Pronunciation and Global Intelligibility
Prof. Dr. Arifa Rahman, English Language and Teacher Education Specialist, IML, DU
@ Auditorium
Tea break 10:30-11:00 AM  
Colloquium 11:00-11:45 AM Importance and Necessity of Teaching English Pronunciation in Bangladesh
Session Chair: Professor Dr. Yousuf M. Islam
Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University
Colloquium Speakers:
Prof. Dr. Md. Harun-Ur-Rashid Askari
Vice Chancellor, Islamic University, Kushtia
Professor Dr. Md. GolamSamdani Fakir
Vice Chancellor, Green University of Bangladesh
Professor Dr. M. Rezwan Khan
Vice Chancellor, United International University
Professor Dr. Helaluzzaman
Vice Chancellor, ASA University
Moderator: Mr. Mohammed Shamsul Hoque, Associate Professor, English Dept., DIU
@ Auditorium
Plenary speech 11:45 AM -12:15 PM Teaching of English Pronunciation to Indian Learners: Experience from Teaching Accent Neutralization Courses at Bhubaneswar
Dr. Kaish Khan, KiiT University, Odisha, India
@ Auditorium
    @ Audit0rium @ Digital Room @ Room-507 @ Room-508
Sessions 1   1A 1B 1C 1D

Parallel paper presentation/
12:15 -12:35 PM Chignipikance ob Engliss Fronounchiasion: Avoiding linguistic discrimination
Prof. Dr. Muhammed Shahriar Haque, EWU Chair: Prof. AMM Hamidur Rahman
Co-chair: Ms. Liza Sharmin
Rapporteur:  Ms. Afroza Akhter Tina
Listening to Accent Variability in English within a Cognitive Load Theory Framework
Dr. Bipasha Binte Haque, DIU Chair: Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza
Co-chair: Ms. Tahsina Yasmin
Rapporteur: Mr. Mohammad Zahidul Islam
English Pronunciation: Challenges of (Un)learning
Mr. Mainuddin Mainul, Good Neighbors Bangladesh Chair: Mr. Mohammed Shamsul Hoque
Co-chair: Ms. Nahid Kaiser
Rapporteur: Mr. Shahriar Mohammad Kamal
Mother Tongue Interference in the Pronunciation of EFL Learners of Bangladesh
Ms. Anika Khan, NU Chair: Prof. Dr. Shusil Kumar Das
Co-chair: Ms. Shamsi Ara Huda
Rapporteur: Ms. Ayasha Hamid
Networking and Lunch break 12:40 - 2:00 PM  
Sessions 2   2A 2B 2C 2D
Parallel paper presentation 2:00-2:20 PM Demo of Teaching Problem Sounds
Prof. M. Shamsul Hoque, Former Dean, BOU Chair:Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza
Co-chair: Ms. Asma Alam
Rapporteur:Ms. Fatema Begum Laboni
‘To be or not to be’: A Review of the Pedagogical Myths Concerning English Pronunciation
Ms. Ismat Zarin, EU Chair:Mr. Mohammed Shamsul Hoque
Co-chair: Ms. Shampa Iftakhar
Rapporteur:Ms. Rabeya Binte Habib
Teaching Pronunciation to the Regional Students at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh
Ms. Nujhat Nuari Islam, HU Chair: Ms. Liza Sharmin
Co-chair: Ms. Subrata Chandra Mozumder
Rapporteur: Mr. Mohammad Zahidul Islam
Teaching of English Pronunciation at the Primary and Secondary Levels in Bangladesh
Ms. Mehnaz Quader Misty, SU Chair: Ms. Shamsi Ara Huda
Co-chair:Mr. Md. Ariful Islam Laskar
Rapporteur:Ms. Ayasha Hamid
Sessions3   3A 3B 3C 3D
Parallel paper presentation 2:25 -2:45 PM Contrastive Analysis of the Segmental Phonemes of Bangla & English:The Influence of Bangla Varieties on English Pronunciation
Ms. Sonia Sharmin, IUK Chair: Prof. Dr. Abu Daud Hasan, ASAUB
Co-chair: Ms. Asma Alam
Rapporteur:Ms. Fatema Begum Laboni
Role of Instruction and Motivation in Pronunciation Teaching
Mr. Pranab Kanti Deb, SIU Chair: Mr. Mohammed Shamsul Hoque
Co-chair: Ms. Shampa Iftakhar
Rapporteur:Ms. Rabeya Binte Habib
The  Impact of Educational Institutions on Teaching of  English to Bangladeshi Students
Ms. Mahbuba Sarker Shama, UU Chair: Ms. Liza Sharmin
Co-chair:Mr. Subrata Chandra Mozumder
Rapporteur:Mr. Mohammad Zahidul Islam
English and Turkish Sounds: A Contrastive Analysis
Ms. Asiye Yazibasi, Turkey Chair:Ms. Shamsi Ara Huda
Co-chair: Mr. Md. Ariful Islam Laskar
Rapporteur:Ms. Ayasha Hamid
Sessions 4   4A 4B 4C 4D
Parallel paper presentation 2:50-3:10 PM Code-switching as a Conscious Tool to Improve Fluency in Bengali Students of English Language
Dr. Kaish Khan &Mr. Ehatasham Ul Hoque Eiten, KIIT Chair: Prof. A.M.M. Hamidur Rahman
Co-chair: Ms. Tahsina Yasmin
Rapporteur: Ms. Afroza Akhter Tina
Workshop on Learning Pronunciation Using IPA
Mr. S. M. Wahiduzzaman, BUP Chair: Prof. Nurul Karim Nasim
Co-chair: Ms. Irina Ishrat
Rapporteur: Mr. Shahriar Mohammad Kamal
Challenges of Teaching Pronunciation at Tertiary Level: A Private University Scenario
Ms. Marzia Rahman, EWU &Ms. Sadia-Tun-Noor, Academia

Chair: Dr. Bipasha Binte Haque
Co-chair: Mr. Mohammad Mustafizur Rahman
Rapporteur: Mr. Mohammad Zahidul Islam
Pronunciation Problems that Turkish Students Face while Learning English as a Foreign Language
Ms. Fatma Samuk, Turkey Chair: Mr. Md. Rakibul Hasan Khan
Co-chair: Ms. Rabeya Binte Habib
Rapporteur: Ms. Israk Zahan Papia
Sessions 5   5A 5C 5D
Parallel paper presentation 3:15-3:35 PM Obstacles to the Teaching of Pronunciation in Bangladesh
Mr. Goutam Roy, NCTB Chair: Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Waliul Islam
Co-chair: Ms. Tahsina Yasmin Rapporteur: Ms. Afroza Akhter Tina
Curriculum Myth and Praxis in English Medium Schools
Mr. Md. Tanvir Ahmed Siddiki, LGS Chair: Dr. Bipasha Binte Haque
Co-chair: Mr. Mohammad Mustafizur Rahman
Rapporteur: Mr. Mohammad Zahidul Islam
A Case Study on the Challenges of Pronunciation Faced by the Newly Admitted Students of the Department of English
Muhammad Mahbub Murshed, Anik Chandra Sorker, Md. Rafiqul Islam

Chair: Ms. Liza Sharmin
Co-chair: Mr. Md. Rakibul Hasan Khan
Rapporteur: Ms. Israk Zahan Papia
Sessions 6   6A 6B 6C  
Parallel paper presentation 3:40-4:00 PM Say What You Mean!
Nirmali Hettiarachchi, Sri Lanka (skype) Chair: Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Waliul Islam
Co-chair: Ms. Tahsina Yasmin Rapporteur: Ms. Afroza Akhter Tina
Standard Model(s) in Teaching Pronunciation: To Follow or Not to Follow
Mr. Zahid Hossain, EWU Chair: Prof. Nurul Karim Nasim
Co-chair: Ms. Irina Ishrat
Rapporteur: Mr. Shahriar Mohammad Kamal
Awareness of and Attitude to Correct English Pronunciation at Higher Secondary Level in Bangladesh
Mr. Md. Khurshedul Alam, CIU Chair: Dr. Bipasha Binte Haque
Co-chair: Mr. Mohammad Mustafizur Rahman
Rapporteur: Mr. Mohammad Zahidul Islam
Tea break 4:05-4:20 PM  
Dramatization 4:20-4:35 PM DIU students and teachers @ Auditorium
Plenary discussion 4:40 - 5:40 PM Teaching of Pronunciation in Bangladesh
Prof. AMM Hamidur Rahman – Teaching of pronunciation at primary level
Prof. Abdus Selim– Problems of teaching pronunciation in Bangladesh
Prof. M. Shamsul Hoque–Teaching of pronunciation to secondary level students
Prof. Dr. M. Shahidullah–Teaching of pronunciation to higher secondary level students
Prof. Dr. Shusil Kumar Das – Importance of good pronunciation for employment
Prof. Iffat Ara Nasreen Majid – Teaching of pronunciation to tertiary level students
Mr. Goutam Roy– Training of teachers for the teaching of pronunciation
Chair: Mr. Harunur Rashid Khan
Moderator: Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza
@ Auditorium
Closing remarks 5:45 - 6:00 PM Dr. Binoy Barman, Symposium Convener @ Auditorium